Tuesday, July 28, 2009



Well I cant really remember the exact time that I was Practicing this kind of Ritual (n_n). well lets just say that its been really attach to my own personality. After all being humble is also a way of getting yourself out of trouble if you know what I mean. Well All I could say Is that Life has been very colorful for me. Lets just say that I'm happy at my current state, besides being humble is kinda fun because no one would dare to tease you because they know that it has no effect on you.

Which is really kinda funny. Its like whenever you smile it gives other people the power to fight there fears and loneliness. Besides being humble makes you more approachable to people. Which helps a lot because the more friends I have the merrier XD.

well The truth is I'm kinda blank today cant think of anything good to write ahehehehe all I could say Is That I'm a very humble person.

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