Monday, August 3, 2009


Journal Writing
1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
2. How did you react to it? Why?
3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?

My Answer
1) I remember when I was being force by my friends to smoke.
2) I told them I don't want to but they keep on pestering me so I got mad at them. Maybe because I don't like what they are doing.
3) I feel good and happy with it maybe because I liked what I did It showed that I'm not easily influenced by people and things that I don't like.
4) I learned that sometimes you have to trust and believe in yourself don't be easily fooled or influenced by bad things.


1. How do you describe a responsible person?
2. What are your responsibilities a) at home, b) in school c) in your community?

My Answer
-A responsible person is a person who keeps his words,does his job on time,and his a person who knows how to handle and take care of every situation.
-at home I must help my elders do the chores,I must obey may parents,I must respect everyone,I must love them.
-at school I must pass my course,submit my projects or assignments on time and I must obey and respect my teachers or professors.
-at my community I must be a good and loyal citizen, I must obey my elders and I must help the community by maintaining it clean safe and peaceful.


I. Challenge yourself

Choose a challenge:
a. Tell the truth
b. Return recovered things (personal items, money, etc)
c. Admit mistake
d. Return excess change
e. Avoid cheating

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:
a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

My Answer
1) I took up letter a. Tell the truth
2)well I was able to do it yet I'm unsatisfied well I'm Not actually a lier its just that there are times that I need to use lies in order to help someone or in order to help myself those so called white lies I guess.
3) I learned that sometimes telling the truth is quiet hard for example when I promised to my friends that Ill treat them but then my mam call and tell me to do this and to do that its quiet hard for me to tell my mam any reason to so sometimes I lie so that I can keep my promises to my friends because I dont like breaking promises.


Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

-Well actually the results of my health assessment was okay.Because everything about me was normal and stable.Well all I want to do is keep this healthy living and all I want to do is have a happy and a long life so ill just keep on practicing on improving my health activities.


1. For one week, challenge yourself to:
a. Get high score in a quiz or seatwork,
b. To recite in class at least once in any courses;
c. To submit a quality assignment or requirement

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:

a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

2. Assignment for next meeting
a. Read about the effects of smoking.
b. Watch the film “An Inconvenient Truth”, staring Al Gore and directed by Davis Guggenheim. On the journal, write your reaction to the movie:
- The most striking scene in the movie
- Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie
- Your realization after watching the movie
- The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment

My Answer

1) I took the one that deals with the quizzes and seat works.
2) I was able to beat it well it felt good because.Well I don't really know I'm just happy I guess maybe because I don't Its not really new to me its just that I don't know I just feel happy.
3) Well I learned that If I focus A lot more I can get a perfect score then just having a score with 5 to 3 mistakes I don't know Focus I guess.

-is a practice where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practised as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment. The most common method of smoking today is through cigarettes, primarily industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose tobacco and rolling paper. Other smoking tools includes pipes, cigars, hookahs and bongs.

-well smoking Is actually very bad for the environment, maybe because its to harmful due to the chemicals it contains. Plus smoking can kill a person not just the person but also our world.Because the smoke it produces are very harmful to our nature.

The Most Striking Scene In the movie
-The most striking part of the movie is when his sister deid from lung cancer which is very sad.
-while watching the film I started to Understand Al Gore point and I slowly realized what the word had turn into.I began to hate those people who does not care about our environment.
-After I watch the film I felt sad because of the fact that people now a days does not care about our environment thats why I myself wants to create or join an organization that will help on creating and keeping the world clean and safe for the next genereation.


1. Develop a doable daily and weekly schedule.
a. Daily schedule includes time for rising in the morning, self preparations including meals/merienda, school hours, time for travel going to school, length of time staying at school, doing assignments, reviewing lessons or advance academic preparations, sports/ leisure and rest/sleeping.
b. Weekly schedule includes your class schedules, appointments/meetings, academic preparation.

2. On your journal, write an essay on the theme “The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”. It describes your own experience of completing a task, given your full effort, dedication and determination. This could be about:

a) masterpiece (a painting, a poem, a short story, a song composition, etc.)
b) learned skills (driving, cooking, sports, playing musical instruments, and acting)
c) accomplishments (reaching peak of a mountain, an invention, fixing an appliances/electronic device, finishing trainings for high school cadet officer, etc

My Aswers

My Daily Schedule

6:00-7:00 am Usually I'm still Asleep due to my afternoon classes
7:00-8:00 am Usually My waking Time Nowadays.
8:00-9:00 am Breakfast
9:00-10:00 am Usually my "Going to School preparations" taking a bath,changing clothes etc.....
10:00-11:30 am my Reviewing time...I Usually do this specially If the subject is very interesting and worth reading..... but if not I usually go to school already.....
11:30 am -12:30 pm From Home to School Trip.........
12:30-1:00 My reminiscing time I usually do this when I arrive I don't know why but Its kinda like my habit to remember my past experiences
1:00-5:30 pm Happy hours DAD 101 wooooh One of my fave courses yay
5:30-6:00 pm Chit chat hours xp......Usually my mirienda time hehehehe but I usually dont eat my mirienda instead I spent time talking to my friends.......
6:00-7:00 pm my going home trip after a day long activity.........
7:00-9:00 pm This is the time when Im studying for a quiz or an exam it usually extends up to 3:00 If im really into the subject specially examinations ahehehehe I also do my assignments at the same time............
9:00-10:00 my night life watching TV hahahahahahaha usually extends up to 3:00 am specially when the tv shows are good.......
10:00 and so on is my sleeping ours.......

Usually the same with monday nothing mush is change unless something urgent happen.......

Still the same

the same also applies for this day

almost the same except to the fact that at this day I usually play with my Playstation 3 instead of studying maybe because I got use to play video games every friday.

same as with friday except that I usually play basketball and I usually vist my friends at this day but sometimes I just stay at home and play video games or ill just read a book something like that in order to kill time.........

Family day Same as with the other days the only thing that makes this different is the fact that I dont go out during this day I just stay with my family the whole day giong to church etc.......

The Most Challenging Thing I Have Ever Accomplished

Well as of today the most challenging thing I had accomplished is that,when I was able to Graduate my Toast Masters International course.Maybe Because its a very difficult course in which people will judge you on the way you speak the English language.Its quiet hard to get a perfect grade but after all the hardships anf after all the trials I did it and im so happy.